In recent years, mental health has become a hugely discussed topic and for good reason. Many students and parents all over the world have come to realise the importance of taking care of one’s mental health. In a year ravaged by Covid-19 and various restrictions, the stress of socially distanced learning and spending months away from friends and family has taken its toll on the mental health of many international students worldwide.

Depressed man speaking to a therapist while she is taking notes

However, many forget that mental health is not just loneliness or being away from your friends. It impacts the physical health and overall well-being of a student. A person suffering from mental health can experience various issues like anxiety, depression, eating disorders, addiction etc. In most cases, mental health left untreated can cause international students to find it difficult to maintain focus, stay motivated, and retain information which will directly affect their ability to succeed in school. But before looking into the various mental health resources available to international students in Australia, let’s touch first on the importance.


There are many factors that affect the mental health of an international student. Pressures from home to succeed, educational/financial responsibilities, social life, homesickness/loneliness, fear of missing out, etc. All of these are just some things that can cause students to feel overwhelmed and anxious.

However, on the other hand, did you know that high levels of proper mental health are related to increased learning, productivity and creativity? It also leads to prosocial behaviour, positive social relationships, and improved physical health and life expectancy. Having positive mental health means that you as an international student can focus on environments and activities that’ll help you thrive and reach your optimal potential in school, work and life.

Studying to achieve academic excellence involves a significant commitment of time, effort and discipline, and this places a significant amount of stress on the mental health of students.


The bottom line is this, students with positive mental health are able to build effective relationships, make better decisions, collaborate with classmates and realise the full potential of their abilities. Stress and anxiety aren’t always avoidable, especially if you are a full-time student and working part-time as well.

Since you can’t avoid stress and anxiety, it’s important for you to have resources and plans in place to protect your mental health. These are some of the best mental health resources available to international students in Australia:


Beyond Blue provides services and support for anxiety, depression and suicide prevention for everyone in Australia. They are Australia’s most well-known and visited mental health organisation.

The Beyond Blue Support Service provides 24/7 advice and support via telephone (call 1300 22 4636), webchat and email (email response provided within 24 hours).


Ask Izzy is a website that connects people in need with housing, a meal, money help, family violence support, counselling and much more. While AskIzzy isn’t primarily a mental health website or service, it gives you access to various services that you may need.


MindSpot is a free, online, personalised mental health care. They primarily support adults experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and chronic pain. All its services are free, confidential, and online, providing optional access to qualified therapists.

You can directly speak to someone at MindSpot by contacting 1800 6144 34.


This Way Up is a digital mental health treatment that teaches clinically-proven strategies to help you improve the way you feel. It is run by clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, researchers, and web technicians based at the Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and Depression (CRUfAD).

If you’re experiencing a crisis, please contact their Urgent Help page or send them an email at


Head to Health is an Australian government website that matches you with digital mental health resources from some of Australia’s most trusted mental health organisations. Head to Health brings together apps, online programs, online forums, and phone services, as well as a range of digital information resources to help improve your own sense of well-being or that of someone you care about.


Not being able to balance all of the responsibilities and expectations of an international student can cause stress, anxiety and even depression. And suddenly, a once intelligent and conscientious student might start failing exams, and become ambivalent or apathetic towards something they once loved. 

Girl telling about her problems on therapy

This is a downward spiral and unfortunately, a situation many students go through today without seeking help. But you are not alone and you’ve never been alone. As part of the SIC student services, we offer referrals to students who need external counselling as needed. Students can access online resources or visit the student services office for external counselling referral requests. 

No matter how suffocating it may seem, at SIC, we want you to know that we have your back and are completely rooting for you. You’ve got this.

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